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The Medicare Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) is a document that Medicare beneficiaries receive each year from their Medicare Advantage (Part C) or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D) provider. This notice is typically sent out by insurance companies that offer these plans to inform their policyholders about changes in their plan's coverage, costs, and benefits for the upcoming year. Here are some key points about the Medicare Annual Notice of Change: 1. **Purpose**: The primary purpose of the ANOC is to provide Medicare beneficiaries with information about any changes to their Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D plans. This includes changes to premiums, deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and covered medications or services. 2. **Timing**: Medicare providers are required to send the ANOC to their beneficiaries each year before the start of the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), which typically runs from October 15th to December 7th. This allows beneficiaries to review the changes and decide whether to keep their current plan or switch to a different one during the AEP. Expect these to arrive by mid-late September. 3. **Content**: The ANOC includes a summary of all changes to the plan's benefits and costs for the upcoming year. This includes any modifications to drug formularies, changes in network providers, and alterations to coverage levels. Note: this document is not meant to be a detail on every benefit in a plan. It is designed to highlight major changes in the plan. 4. **Comparison**: The ANOC often includes information on how the upcoming year's plan compares to the current year's plan. This helps beneficiaries assess whether their plan still meets their healthcare needs or if they should explore other options. Pay attention to these changes. Is the plan staying about the same? Is it improving? Or is it degrading? 5. **Importance**: Reviewing the ANOC is crucial for Medicare beneficiaries to ensure they are aware of any changes that might affect their out-of-pocket expenses or access to healthcare services. Failing to review the ANOC could lead to unexpected costs or coverage gaps. 6. **Decision-Making**: After reviewing the ANOC, beneficiaries can make informed decisions about whether to keep their current plan or switch to a different one that better suits their needs. If they decide to change plans, they can do so during the AEP. It's essential for Medicare beneficiaries to carefully review the ANOC each year and consider their healthcare needs and budget when making decisions about their Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D coverage. Many people are satisfied with their current plan, and in many cases, the annual changes are fairly minor. However, it's important to review any changes to make sure your plan continues to meet your needs. If you have questions about your Annual Notice of Changes, or if you want to review it, you can always contact our office at 815-232-7726 to book an appointment. Or, feel free to schedule online at If you are unhappy with your plan changes, the major opportunity to switch plans happens between October 15 and December 7, Medicare's Annual Election Period. Other Medicare election periods are described here: Please reach out with any questions you may have. It's an important month! Author
Angela Damin, Your Medicare Teacher, is an award winning Medicare planning broker with over 16 years of experience in the Medicare field. She meets people in person, over the phone, and via video chat. Angela has a Masters Degree in Education and taught elementary school before switching her subject matter to the Medicare realm. She spends her spare time chasing her twin grade schoolers.
Choosing a Medicare plan requires careful consideration of your healthcare needs, preferences, and budget. Here are some steps to help you choose a Medicare plan:
Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans have limited enrollment periods in which members and prospects can make changes. It can be difficult to keep track of these periods of time, but as a Medicare beneficiary, it is critical that you know WHEN you can make changes to your plan. Open Enrollment Period (MA-OEP)—January 1-March 31 In certain circumstances, you may make ONE plan change during OEP. All enrollments using the OEP will be effective the first of the following month. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, you may switch to a different Medicare Advantage Plan OR a Prescription Drug Plan with Original Medicare. This might be useful if you find your current Medicare Advantage Plan isn’t meeting your needs. You can use this period to make one change, so use it carefully! Special Election Period (SEP)—varies These periods vary based on your circumstances. The most frequently used SEPs include moving out of your plan’s service area, losing group coverage, and having, gaining, or losing the Low Income Subsidy. Each SEP allows for a certain amount of time to make changes. Call your agent for details based on your situation! Initial Enrollment Period—based on your Medicare effective date This coverage is based on your Part B effective date. For most people, this when they turn 65, but it could be different if you gain Medicare eligibility due to a disability or if you delay your Medicare due to having an active employer plan. This is a 7 month window that begins 3 months prior to your effective date, the month of your effective date, and 3 months following your effective date. Most plans using the IEP begin on the first of the month in which you gain Medicare eligibility. However, if you wait until the end of your IEP, your plan will be effective the first of the following month. Annual Election Period (AEP)—October 15-December 7 You may make AS MANY changes as you wish to your Medicare Advantage and/or Prescription Drug Plan. All enrollments using the AEP will be effective January 1. You may switch from one prescription drug plan to a different prescription drug plan. You may switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to a different Medicare Advantage plan. You may switch FROM a Prescription Drug Plan to a Medicare Advantage Plan (and vice versa). This is a very useful time, because it’s your opportunity to shop around and make sure your plan fits your needs the best. If you make a selection and submit an enrollment in October, but change your mind and want a different plan, you can submit a new enrollment prior to December 7. It doesn’t matter how many enrollments you submit; the one that goes in LAST is the one that will be in place on January 1. There’s a lot to keep track of with Medicare election periods! Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you need to make changes. AuthorAngela Damin, Your Medicare Teacher, is an award winning Medicare planning broker with over a decade of experience in the Medicare field. She meets people in person, over the phone, and via video chat. Angela has a Masters Degree in Education and taught elementary school before switching her subject matter to the Medicare realm. She spends her spare time chasing her twin grade schoolers. Categories All September is a big month for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug plan members. Watch your mailbox for the Annual Notice of Changes. Plans are required to get this information to you before October 1. The booklets usually begin to arrive in homes in mid- to late September. Some key pieces of information to look for:
Many people are satisfied with their current plan, and in many cases, the annual changes are fairly minor. However, it's important to review any changes to make sure your plan continues to meet your needs. If you have questions about your Annual Notice of Changes, or if you want to review it, you can always contact our office at 815-232-7726 to book an appointment. Or, feel free to schedule online at If you are unhappy with your plan changes, the major opportunity to switch plans happens between October 15 and December 7, Medicare's Annual Election Period. Other Medicare election periods are described here: Please reach out with any questions you may have. It's an important month! AuthorAngela Damin, Your Medicare Teacher, is an award winning Medicare planning broker with over a decade of experience in the Medicare field. She meets people in person, over the phone, and via video chat. Angela has a Masters Degree in Education and taught elementary school before switching her subject matter to the Medicare realm. She spends her spare time chasing her twin toddlers. Categories All With the Annual Election Period (AEP) coming up from October 15-December 7, it is a critical time to review your Medicare Plan. Because of the limited time frame, you’ll be receiving A LOT of advertisements—by mail, email, social media, radio, newspapers, phone calls, and television. It WILL be overwhelming! Medicare Prescription Drug Plans cover medications. Some people have their Prescription Drug Plan built in to their Medicare Advantage Plan, and some people have a stand alone Prescription Drug Plan. Regardless of how you receive your prescriptions, it makes sense to review every year! Most states have a large number of Prescription Drug Plans to choose from. For example, in Illinois alone, there are 27 different plans to choose from. How do you narrow it down? Some things to consider: What are your medications?
We do Prescription Drug Plans reviews and analysis in my office as well, so if you’d like assistance, please give us a call. AuthorAngela Damin, Your Medicare Teacher, is an award winning Medicare planning broker with over a decade of experience in the Medicare field. She meets people in person, over the phone, and via video chat. Angela has a Masters Degree in Education and taught elementary school before switching her subject matter to the Medicare realm. She spends her spare time chasing her twin toddlers. Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans have limited enrollment periods in which members and prospects can make changes. It can be difficult to keep track of these periods of time, but as a Medicare beneficiary, it is critical that you know WHEN you can make changes to your plan. Annual Election Period (AEP)—October 15-December 7
Open Enrollment Period (MA-OEP)—January 1-March 31 NEW IN 2019
Special Election Period (SEP)—varies
Initial Enrollment Period—based on your Medicare effective date
There’s a lot to keep track of with Medicare election periods! Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you need to make changes. AuthorAngela Damin, Your Medicare Teacher, is an award winning Medicare planning broker with over a decade of experience in the Medicare field. She meets people in person, over the phone, and via video chat. Angela has a Masters Degree in Education and taught elementary school before switching her subject matter to the Medicare realm. She spends her spare time chasing her twin toddlers. Medicare's Annual Election Period (AEP) is coming up between October 15-December 7, and it is a critical time to review your Medicare Plan. Because of the limited time frame, you’ll be receiving A LOT of advertisements—by mail, email, social media, radio, newspapers, phone calls, and television. It WILL be overwhelming! Medicare Advantage Plans are a popular plan choice for many Medicare recipients. Currently, about 35% of Medicare beneficiaries are on a Medicare Advantage Plan, with projected enrollments to rise to about 50% by the year 2024. Is a Medicare Advantage Plan right for you? Obviously, many people think so. There are more and more plan offerings every year, so it would be wise to at least review the options available to you. (This is NOT a blanket recommendation to take a Medicare Advantage Plan. Please discuss your situation with an agent to determine if this is a suitable plan for you). Some Medicare beneficiaries have over 20 Medicare Advantage Plans available where they live. They are not all created equal! When comparing Medicare Advantage Plans, there are some key points to consider. For every plan you look at, make sure to ask these questions: Network—Most Medicare Advantage Plans have a network. Is this plan an HMO or a PPO? Are your doctors in network for the plan, or would you need to change doctors? What would happen if you went out of network with this plan? Referrals—Are specialist referrals required by this plan? Premium—What is the plan’s monthly premium? Does it fit into my budget? Co-pays/Co-insurance—What out of pocket expenses would/could you incur? Maximum Out Of Pocket—All Medicare Advantage Plans have a Maximum Out of Pocket amounts. Compare this to see what your “worst case scenario” could be. Prescription Drug Coverage—Is Part D included with this plan? If not, can you add Part D to the plan? What are the prescription co-pays? Are all your drugs covered on the plan, or would you need to change your medications? Is your pharmacy in the preferred network, or would you need to change pharmacies? Extra Benefits—Many Medicare Advantage Plans have extra benefits, like gym memberships, dental, vision, hearing aids, meal programs, weight loss programs, Over the Counter supplies, and more. Compare the options between different plans to see which would benefit you the most. Agent/Broker—will you have a dedicated agent you can reach out to? If you have questions, is the agent available to help you? These are some of the key points to consider when choosing between Medicare Advantage Plans. There’s a lot to digest! Independent brokers will be able to help you analyze and choose plans based on your situation, so you won’t have to do the heavy research if you don’t want to. As always, I certify with all the top carriers, and I do the heavy lifting for my clients and prospects. Please feel free to call me at 815-232-7726 or email me at [email protected] with any questions, or to schedule a time to discuss your Medicare Advantage options! AuthorAngela Damin, Your Medicare Teacher, is an award winning Medicare planning broker with over a decade of experience in the Medicare field. She meets people in person, over the phone, and via video chat. Angela has a Masters Degree in Education and taught elementary school before switching her subject matter to the Medicare realm. She spends her spare time chasing her twin toddlers. Medicare’s Annual Election Period is quickly approaching. There are several things you can do today to make sure you’re prepared for this critical time period. During the Annual Election Period, also known as AEP and Open Enrollment, you can make changes to your Medicare Advantage and/or Prescription Drug Plan. It is wise to review your plans each year, as plans can change significantly from year to year. Since AEP is such a short window of time, there are some key steps for you to take RIGHT NOW to make sure you don’t miss your opportunity to review.
Every year, AEP becomes more and more important. The steps you take TODAY will set you on the right path to making sure you’re on an appropriate plan. AuthorAngela Damin, Your Medicare Teacher, is an award winning Medicare planning broker with over a decade of experience in the Medicare field. She meets people in person, over the phone, and via video chat. Angela has a Masters Degree in Education and taught elementary school before switching her subject matter to the Medicare realm. She spends her spare time chasing her twin toddlers. September is a big month for Medicare information. Your Medicare Advantage and/or Prescription Drug Plan is required to mail you your Annual Notice of Change prior to October 1. These typically begin to arrive in houses by the last few weeks of September, so watch your mailboxes! The Annual Notice of Change booklets are large, thick books. There is a lot of information, and it can be overwhelming! But there is some key information in there, so you need to take the time to look through the booklet. You can call our office at 815-232-7726 with any questions, too. Some key things to look for:
As you look through the booklet, ask yourself if your plan continues to be the best plan for you. Every year, there are changes to plans, and it may make sense to set up an annual review to go over your plan AND additional offerings. You can schedule that review with us. Our office also does Annual Notice of Change meetings in northern Illinois for many carriers, so you can come to hear about the major changes. Please call our office to find a meeting near you. Our current clients will be receiving a letter about their annual review. Please watch for that! If you aren’t a current client, but would like to be added to our mailing list, please call our office. As always, we certify and carry hundreds of different plan options, so if your current plan is no longer meeting your needs, we can shop around for better choices for you. We are nearing the Annual Election Period, of AEP, so you’ll be getting lots of Medicare mail. Call us with any questions you have. AuthorAngela Damin, Your Medicare Teacher, is an award winning Medicare planning broker with over a decade of experience in the Medicare field. She meets people in person, over the phone, and via video chat. Angela has a Masters Degree in Education and taught elementary school before switching her subject matter to the Medicare realm. She spends her spare time chasing her twin toddlers. ![]() Welcome to our new insurance agency blog! This is our very first post. We're not quite sure what we're going to write about here, but the plan is to create helpful content for customers and prospective clients about information that is relevant to you. We hope you'll come to view this as a top resource for keeping your family and your finances safe. Here are a few of the topics we may be writing about:
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